L-Shell Ionization in Proton and Alpha Particle Collisions with Argon

We report results of coupled-state calculations of argon L-shell ionization by proton and alpha particle collisions in the 100 to 500 kev/amu energy range. Our target-centered basis includes up through f-states. We have explored the angular momentum convergence and ability of our pseudostates to describe the ionization continuum by comparing to the Born calculations of Choi; excellent agreement is obtained. In the Born we have shown the effect of using different independent-particle target potentials; these effects are large, particularly at low energy. We propose a modification of the Hartree-Fock potential that leaves all the wavefunctions and the bound orbital energies unaltered, but that lowers the continuum by an amount that brings the L-shell ionization potentials roughly into agreement with experiment. Our coupled-states calculations show deviations from the 1st Born approximation, and are in fair agreement with experiment. A complete comparison to experiment will require the calculation of the charge transfer channel contribution to the vacancy production.