The right to reproduce.

In a case where a governmental entity namely the House of Lords in England condoned the sterilization of a 17 year-old girl who was mentally handicapped the question of reproductive rights was raised. Previous court decisions have insured a womans right to reproduce. The most current decision in the House of Lords then piqued questions about currents opinions and attitudes in the field of law. The case presented before the House of Lords dealt with a 17 year-old who had the intellectual ability of a 9 year-old. This case was compared to a 1975 case which studied an 11 year-old girl whose future abilities were in question. In the latter the ruling supported the right to reproduce without any intervening action in hopes that the girl would eventually become competent enough for self-determination. Both cases are analyzed concerning the factors of best interests competing interests reason and argument level of understanding and individual decision. All of the information is summarized and related to the perspective of a nurse.