Distributed Velocity-Dependent Protocol for Multihop Cellular Sensor Networks

Cell phones are embedded with sensors form a Cellular Sensor Network which can be used to localize a moving event. The inherent mobility of the application and of the cell phone users warrants distributed structure-free data aggregation and on-the-fly routing. We propose a Distributed Velocity-Dependent (DVD) protocol to localize a moving event using a Multihop Cellular Sensor Network (MCSN). DVD is based on a novel form of connectivity determined by the waiting time of nodes for a Random Waypoint (RWP) distribution of cell phone users. This paper analyzes the time-stationary and spatial distribution of the proposed waiting time to explain the superior event localization and delay performances of DVD over the existing Randomized Waiting (RW) protocol. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to compare the performance of DVD with RW and the existing Centralized approach.

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