Semantics of Time, Space, Movement and spatio-temporal reasoning
These working papers bring together the contributions to the 4th International Workshop "Semantics of Time, Space, Movement and spatio-temporal reasoning" (TSM'92) held in Bonas (France) in September 1992. The volume is divided into three parts with papers by the following authors: Part I "Space and movement in language": C. Schwarze; C. Inchaurralde; M. Aurnague; B. Buschbeck-Wolf; P. Sablayrolles; J. Jayez; J.R.J. Schirra -- Part II "Semantics of time: from lexicon to discourse": D. Maurel; B. Gaiffe & L. Romary; C.S. Smith; M. Caenepeel & G. Sandstrom; A. Lascarides & N. Asher; N. Asher & M. Bras; C. Vet; H. Verkuyl; F. Van Eynde; H. Kamp; A.G.B. Ter Meulen -- Part III "Formalisms for time and space": P. Blackburn; G. Ligozat; A. Arrieta & J.M. Larrazabal; M. Morreau; B. Gaume; P. Balbiani & L. Farinas del Cerro; D.A. Randell, Z. Cui & A.G. Cohn; C. Freksa; G. Herzog.