The Relationship between User Satisfaction, System Attributes and the Motivating Potential of System Use

User satisfaction (US) is an important information systems success measure. This paper contributes to our understanding of US in workplace settings by conceptualizing US as resulting from user evaluations of both the attribute level performance of the system and its impacts on the motivating potential of their work. Data was collected from a sample of 154 nurses in a regional public hospital in South Africa who are users of an integrated hospital information system. The authors considered that use of the system has implications for the motivating potential of work through its impacts on skill variety, task identity, significance, autonomy, and work performance. Their results show that a system’s impact on motivating potential is significant for US. Moreover, system quality, information quality, and user support attributes of the IS have significant direct effects on US as well as indirect effects through motivating potential. A high performing system is thus important for US as it provides a platform to increase the motivating potential of work.

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