Using Web Services and Workflow Ontology in Multi- Agent Systems

In this paper, we introduce a transactional workflow ontology for multi-agent systems and web services. Both technologies use messaging, service descriptions and directory services to implement the overall architecture. As web services have already been extended with workflow specifications by IBM, HP and Microsoft, it is natural to apply workflows to agent systems as well. We detected a problem with inflexibility in BriefsAgents, our FIPA standard multi-agent system prototype that uses ontology for data transmission between agents. Ontology-based transaction and workflow control enable agents and web services to use the ontology instances to drive their internal state, instead of hardwired implementation. In addition, they can communicate their workflow to other agents and services and enable co-operation with parties that are not known at implementation time. The proposed workflow ontology supports advances transaction models to improve reliability in these distributed systems. We also cover the necessary tools for using this transactional workflow ontology.