The notion of quotient and localization of abelian categories by dense subcategories (i.e., Serre classes) was introduced by Gabriel, and plays an important role in ring theory [6, 131. The notion of triangulated categories was introduced by Grothendieck and developed by Verdier [9, 16) and is recently useful in representation theory [8,4, 143. The quotient of triangulated categories by epaisse subcategories is constructed in [16]. Both quotients were indicated by Grothendieck, and they resemble each other. In this paper, we will consider triangulated categories and derived categories from the point of view of localization of abelian categories. Verdier gave a condition which is equivalent to the one that a quotient functor has a right adjoint, and considered a relation between tpaisse subcategories [16]. We show that localization of triangulated categories is similarly defined, and have a relation between localizations and Cpaisse subcategories. Beilinson, Bernstein, and Deligne introduced the notion of t-structure which is similar to torsion theory in abelian categories [2]. We, in particular, consider a stable t-structure, which is an epaisse subcategory, and deal with a correspondence between localizations of triangulated categories and stable r-structures. And then recollement, in the sense of [2], is equivalent to bilocalization. Next, we show that quotient and localization of abelian categories induce quotient and localization of its derived categories. In Section 1, we recall standard notations and terminologies of quotient and localization of abelian categories. In Section 2, we define localization of triangulated categories, and consider a relation between localizations and stable r-structures (Theorem 2.6). In Section 3, we show that if A + A/C is a quotient of abelian categories, then D*(A) -+ D*(A/C) is a quotient of triangulated categories, where * = + , -, or b (Theorem 3.2). Moreover,
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Des catégories abéliennes