Antagonism of pancuronium in renal failure: no recurarization.

Neuromuscular transmission was measured using train-of-four stimulation, during and after anaesthesia, in 20 patients with end-stage renal failure. Neuromuscular blockade was provided with pancuronium in single doses of either 3 or 6 mg per 70 kg, and antagonized at 10% recovery with atropine and neostigmine 2.5 mg per 70 kg. Reversal was followed by progressive recovery of muscle twitch in every patient during the 3 h of the study. Recovery was more rapid after the smaller dose of pancuronium and was inversely correlated with the duration of blockade. It is concluded that, when pancuronium is antagonized with neostigmine in patients with renal failure, neuromuscular transmission recovers without evidence of recurarization. However, when large doses of pancuronium are antagonized with neostigmine 2.5 mg, recovery may be insufficient to ensure normal ventilatory function.