Given a bowtie decomposition of the complete graph $K_v$ admitting an automorphism group $G$ acting transitively on the vertices of the graph, we give necessary conditions involving the rank of the group and the cycle types of the permutations in $G$. These conditions yield non–existence results for instance when $G$ is the dihedral group of order $2v$, with $v\equiv 1, 9\pmod{12}$, or a group acting transitively on the vertices of $K_9$ and $K_{21}$. Furthermore, we have non–existence for $K_{13}$ when the group $G$ is different from the cyclic group of order $13$ or for $K_{25}$ when the group $G$ is not an abelian group of order $25$. Bowtie decompositions admitting an automorphism group whose action on vertices is sharply transitive, primitive or $1$–rotational, respectively, are also studied. It is shown that if the action of $G$ on the vertices of $K_v$ is sharply transitive, then the existence of a $G$–invariant bowtie decomposition is excluded when $v\equiv 9\pmod{12}$ and is equivalent to the existence of a $G$–invariant Steiner triple system of order $v$. We are always able to exclude existence if the action of $G$ on the vertices of $K_v$ is assumed to be $1$–rotational. If, instead, $G$ is assumed to act primitively then existence can be excluded when $v$ is a prime power satisfying some additional arithmetic constraint.
Zhike Jiang.
On Rotational Steiner Triple Systems: Five, Seven and Eleven
Ars Comb..
Kevin T. Phelps,et al.
Steiner triple systems with rotational automorphisms
Discret. Math..
B. Huppert.
Endliche Gruppen I
Vladimir D. Tonchev.
Transitive Steiner triple systems of order 25
Discret. Math..
Marco Buratti,et al.
1‐Rotational Steiner triple systems over arbitrary groups
Ian P. Goulden,et al.
Graph factorization, general triple systems, and cyclic triple systems
Jean-Claude Bermond,et al.
Decomposition of complete graphs into isomorphic subgraphs with five vertices
Elizabeth J. Billington,et al.
The spectrum for 2-perfect bowtie systems
Discret. Math..
Jean Doyen,et al.
A note on reverse Steiner triple systems
Discret. Math..
Chung Je CHO.
Rotational Steiner triple systems
Discret. Math..
H. Weyl.
Permutation Groups
Alexander Rosa,et al.
On reverse Steiner triple systems
Discret. Math..