Super flexible electrode for a DE made with CNT spray (Conference Presentation)

A CNT spray can impart conductivity to various materials through simple application alone, not requiring any special equipment or techniques. The sprayed CNTs are flexible after drying and remain conductive and connected even when bent or stretched. In addition, because of its excellent adhesiveness, it does not easily peel off or scatter after drying. It is very easy to use, able to be applied with a special CNT paint spray. Expensive dispersing equipment and special coating equipment are not required, doing away with troublesome dispersion work. With a CNT sprayer and dielectric elastomer, it is possible to make a DE easily, which can further promote DE research and trial production. It is possible to change the content of CNTs according to the purpose. By simply applying CNT spray, the following can be easily achieved: DE electrodes, wiring of electronic circuits that require flexibility, mounting of electronic components on flexible PCBs, and rubber that requires flexibility. It is also possible to easily add conductivity to a sponge.