BDS Satellites and Receivers DCB Resolution

Using GNSS observation data to establish high-precision ionospheric model has an important role in precise point positioning, real-time navigation and ionosphere research. One of the main error sources to accurately estimate total electron content (TEC) is Differential Code Bias (DCB). At present, the international GNSS Service (IGS) daily publish GPS and GLONASS satellites DCB and IGS tracking station receivers DCB, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has not provided the BDS satellites DCB services. Based on BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS), and use a combination of ionospheric residual method to resolve BDS satellites DCB and BETS tracking station receivers DCB at B1 and B2 frequencies. The results show that, BDS satellites DCB are between −8 and 16 ns at B1 and B2 frequencies and their stabilities are basically better than 0.5 ns. Because of the satellite elevation, IGSO satellites DCB have highest stabilities, followed by MEO satellites, and GEO satellites have worst stabilities, especially C04 and C05; BETS tracking station receivers DCB are basically between −5 and −25 ns, and their stabilities are better than 1.5 ns.