Tissue trace element and enzyme content in pigs fed a low manganese diet. I. Arelationship between manganese and selenium.

Pigs received a diet containing 0.59 p.p.m. Mn. Control pigs received the samequantity of the same diet which was supplemented with 22 p.p.m. of Mn. At the end of6 weeks, pigs fed the low Mn diet had a diminution in tissue Mn levels as well as a diminution in tissue Se content. Tissue levels of Zn, Cu, Ca, and Mg were notaffected by the dietary regimen. Indicative of the fact that experimental animals were probably Mn-deficient was a statistically significant decrease in hepatic arginaseactivity that could be enhanced by the addition of Mn. These studies represent the first experimental evidence that there may be a specific interaction between tissue Se and Mn. Tissue Se levels were decreased to a statistically significant degree in all tissues studied except the kidney in the Mn-deficient animals.