In Vivo Determination of the Force of Leukocyte‐Endothelium Adhesion in the Mesenteric Microvasculature of the Cat

Quantitative estimates of the force of adhesion between leukocytes and endothelium were obtained from in vivo hemodynamic measurements in small venules of cat mesentery during topical application of the chemotactic compound N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). Simultaneous measurements of upstream to downstream pressure drop, red cell velocity, microvessel hematocrit, and vessel diameter and length permitted application of the principles of momentum conservation to calculate the forces acting upon a leukocyte during adhesion to the endothelium. For venules ranging in diameter from 23 to 49 μm, the ratio of force (acting in the vessel axial direction) to wall shear stress on the endothelium fell from 14.6 x 10-6 in small venules to 2.3 x 10-6 dynes per dyne/cm2 in large venules; reflecting the larger pressure drops and forces attendant to greater lumen obstruction in the smaller venules. The equilibrium force representative of a balance between fluid shear stresses on the leukocyte and those at its site of contact with the endothelium ranged from 1.1 to 76.1 x 10-5 dynes for wall shear stress ranging from 2 to 25 dynes/cm2; with venules with greater wall shear stresses having the greater leukocyte-endothelium shear force. Within individual venules, however, the force acting on a single leukocyte varied inversely with wall shear stress, most likely due to white blood cell deformation, which leads to a lessening of shear stress on the surface of the white blood cell.

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