Integrated Network Management III, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.6 Third International Symposium on Integrated Network Management with participation of the IEEE Communications Society CNOM and with support from the Institute for Educational Services, San Francisco, California, USA, 18-23 April, 19
Part 1 Introduction: strategies for the 1990s, B. Meandzija and W. Zimmer. Part 2 Management architecture: modelling semantics and behaviour, S. Bapat et al the RMON MIB - from idea to the market place, M. Erlinger et al management information, J. Haritsa et al applications of directory services, U. Maeyer zu Natrup. Part 3 Distributed systems management: domains and policies, A. Fischer et al distributed management, C. Strutt et al. Part 4 Implementing management architectures: SNMPv2 - from industry standard SNMP to tomorrow's SNMPv2, J.D. Case et al specific approaches, A.D. Vici et al OSI management - worldwide impacts, L. Phifer et al integrating OSI/internet management standards, M. Gering et al. Part 5 Management requirements, experiences and evaluation: meeting user needs with a mix of technologies, B. Murrill user requirements, C.M. Disabato et al experiences and evaluation, A. Komatsu et al. Part 6 Telecommunications management: migration strategies, J. Hall et al implementation directions, J.L. Tsay et al assuring network quality, R.M. Goodman et al. Part 7 Management applications: fault management applications, K.-W.E. Lor et al multivendor applications - the wave of the future, D. Mahler management support tool, M.P. Consens et al.