Integrating the Transportation System with a University Transportation Master Plan: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is planning several projects that will have a substantial impact in the transportation network in El Paso. This research project conducted a study of the integration of the El Paso metropolitan transportation system with UTEP’s transportation master plan and to develop a synthesis of best practices of transportation systems integration employed by universities from across the country. This research report presents a synthesis of these best practices and documents the lessons learned during the analysis of the UTEP campus found in Report 0-6608-2. The overall goal of the report was to provide guidance on the integration between transportation systems and a university campus master plan. Researchers used a two-pronged approach to document best practices in this report. First, researchers conducted a review of the state-of-the-practice on university campuses around the country. Second, researchers synthesized the lessons learned from the development of the case study analysis of the UTEP campus master plan and its integration with current and planned metropolitan transportation infrastructure, where the integrated application of practices from around the country could be tested.