A standard quantitative calibration procedure for marine seismic sources
Traditionally marine source evaluation has been a subjective and qualitative study. This is particularly true in the case of source spectral characteristics. As a result, source evaluation, development, and array design based on seismic energy over a specified frequency band has been impossible. Further, the transient nature of source wavelets lend themselves to energy analysis rather than the more traditional relative power analysis. This paper details the methodology required to achieve a calibrated quantitative estimate of marine seismic source energy. Basically the procedure involves two steps. First a calibrated high fidelity measurement of the source signature is required. Second, the signatures must be analyzed by a suite of computer algorithms designed to extract quantified measures of amplitude and energy. Results of the analysis include a time domain signature calibrated in ANSI units of pressure and a frequency domain spectrum calibrated in ANSI units of energy flux. These results provide figur...