Our tools, data and services

We have developed a range of resources to support service improvement around child obesity. Read {linkto, /obesity/chimattools more about our obesity tools and services} or link directly to each tool below. The links will take you to different sections of the website. {linkto, http://atlas.chimat.org.uk/IAS/dataviews/healthyschoolsprofile School-Age Children Profiles} {linkto, http://atlas.chimat.org.uk/IAS/profiles/servicereports Service Snapshot - Obesity} {linkto,/resource/view.aspx?RID=115188 Disability and obesity: the prevalence of obesity in disabled children} (Report) {linkto, /resource/view.aspx?QN=CHMT1 Data Atlas} {linkto, https://www.gov.uk/guidance/phe-data-and-analysis-tools PHE data and analysis tools} If you need any help or advice in using these tools or interpreting the information they provide, contact your {linkto, /default.aspx?QN=CHIMAT_LOCAL local specialist}. {linkto, /default.aspx?QN=CHMK9 Sign up to our eBulletin}, the Child and Maternal Health Knowledge Update, to keep informed of the latest resources added to the Knowledge Hub. Search for obesity resources using the search box at the top right. Or click on the menu on the left of the page to browse various types of resources. Latest resources are highlighted in the right hand panel of the page.