This paper proposes a real time scalar control of induction motor by using RT-LAB software. This method of control leads to be able to adjust the speed of the motor by control the frequency and stator voltage magnitude, the ratio of stator voltage magnitude to frequency should be kept constant, which is called as scalar control of induction motor. The real-time scalar control algorithm is designed and implemented in RT-Lab. RT-Lab is software that allows developing simulation models that can be executed in Real-Time. Models are developed using Matlab/Simulink environment. Models can be converted to C source code and compiled using RT-Lab complier. This code is then uploaded into the digital simulator (OP5600) via network connections TCP/IP protocol. The Real-Time models are executed on the target with the following operating system: Redhat. Finally to validate the performance of scalar control algorithm under motor load and reference speed, the experimental results are presented at the end of this paper.
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