Intelligence in an Insecure World

List of Figures, Tables and Boxes. Preface. Abbreviations. 1 What is Intelligence? Defining Intelligence. Evolution. Limitations. Significance. Conclusion: Towards a Theory of Intelligence. 2 How Do We Understand Intelligence? Introduction. The Critique of Positivism. The Challenge of Postmodernism. Critical Realism: Neither Positivist nor Postmodernist. Agency and Structure. Surveillance: Knowledge and Power. Conclusion: a Map for Theorising and Researching Intelligence. 3 Who Does Intelligence? Introduction: Security Networks. Mapping Intelligence Networks. State sector. Corporate sector. Communitarian sector. Cross-sectoral networks. Making Security Networks Work. Conclusion. 4 How Do They Gather Information? Introduction. Planning and Direction. Open Sources. Secret Sources. HUMINT: human intelligence. SIGINT: signals intelligence. IMINT: imagery intelligence. HUMINT Vs. SIGINT: The Post-9/11 Debate. Gathering and Hunting: an erosion of boundaries? The Predator: a vision of the future? Extraordinary rendition. Conclusion. 5 What Do They Do With the Information Gathered? Introduction. Analysis. 'No good will come of this': Problems with Dissemination. Where intelligence Turns into Action: the Intensification of Surveillance. Conclusion. 6 Why Does Intelligence Fail? Introduction. The Limits of Intelligence. Failure Located in Collection and Analysis. The Policy Maker-Intelligence Interface as a Site of Intelligence Failure. Politicisation of Intelligence. The 9/11 Commission Report: Explaining Intelligence Failure? The 7 July 2005 London Bombings: An Intelligence Failure? Conclusion. 7 Iraqi WMD: What Kind of Intelligence Failure? Introduction. US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The Butler Inquiry. Political pressure on the JIC. Australian Inquiries. Conclusion. 8 Can Intelligence be Democratic? Introduction. Defining Control, Review and Oversight. The Legal and Ethical Bases of Oversight. Organising External Oversight. Parliamentary Oversight: the Case of the UK. Extra-Parliamentary Oversight. Media, NGOs and citizens. Conclusion. 9 Intelligence for a More Secure World? Notes. Bibliography. Index.