Road marking: a fair go for drivers (a road safety reality or a road maintenance impossible dream?)
In recent times there has been great advancement in technology, with the introduction of glass beads for road marking that provide much-improved retroreflectivity, because of the optical properties (such as refractive index, optical transmission, colour and sphericity). The State of New South Wales' Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) has had a wet-night visibility requirement for painted road marking for quite some time. However, with the advent of this recently improved technology, the RTA has asked Potters Industries to partner with them in an extensive round of field testing, on various road surfaces, using a variety of roadmarking binder systems, to generate performance data. This paper presents the data from these field trials, which suggests how it may be possible to make roadmakings visible in almost all driving conditions, and increase the end-of-line detection distance, to reduce the drivers needs, reduce the drivers mistakes and make the driver less vulnerable, thus improving driver comfort and safety. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E211783.