Structure Analysis of a Submicrometer-Scale Single Powder Grain by the Pinpoint Structural Measurement

A high-precision diffractometer has been developed for the structure analysis of a submicrometer-scale single grain of a powder sample at the SPring-8 BL40XU undulator beamline. A stable focused synchrotron radiation beam with the phase zone plate and a low eccentric goniometer are the key techniques for measuring accurate diffraction intensity data of a submicrometer-scale single powder grain. In order to verify the performance of the diffractometer, the diffraction pattern data of several submicrometer-scale BaTiO 3 grains, with dimensions of 600 × 600 × 300 nm, were measured. By identifying the diffraction data set of one single powder grain, the crystal structure was successfully The features of the high-precision diffractometer and the result of the structure analysis of a submicrometer-scale BaTiO 3 single powder grain are described.