MidiShare is a realtime, multi-tasks operating system dedicated to musical MIDI applications. It was awarded the Apple Trophy (1989), the Paris-City price (1990) and more recently, the Max d'Or at the Bourges International Musical Software Competition (1999). Multi-platform support, powerful inter-applications communication, accurate realtime performances are among the significant services provided by the kernel. Freely available on the Internet to developers since several years, MidiShare is now supported by a growing number of projects. Its developers mailing list count 250 members on average. The MidiShare project itself is reaching a state which requires a different management policy: the MidiShare source code is now publicly available to allow collaborative contributions over the Internet. The poster session will present this new project, including changes in the kernel architecture, the source code portability issues and the organization of the collaborative development over the Internet.
Yann Orlarey.
An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Musical Systems
James H. Anderson,et al.
Real-time computing with lock-free shared objects
Dominique Fober,et al.
Recent Developments of MidiShare
Yann Orlarey,et al.
A real time multi-tasks software module for Midi applications
James H. Anderson,et al.
Real-time computing with lock-free shared objects
Proceedings 16th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.