Many people face barriers to accessing textual information due to visual, reading or language limitations. They need alternative formats to text such as Braille or audio. However, producing accessible formats is often expensive, time consuming, and requires special expertise and training. RoboBraille offers a cost-effective and timely manner to accessible material production. It provides fully automated conversion of text into a number of alternative formats, including mp3 files, Daisy full text/full audio, e-books or Braille books. As part of Prosperity4all project, RoboBraille will be adapted to fit into the overall technical architecture of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII), and interfaces for new conversion capabilities such as semantic structure recognition, text-to-sign language and language-to-language translation will be added.
Wolfgang L. Zagler,et al.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 12th International Conference, ICCHP 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2010, Proceedings, Part II
Lars Ballieu Christensen.
RoboBraille - Automated Braille Translation by Means of an E-Mail Robot
Tanja Stevns,et al.
Biblus - A Digital Library to Support Integration of Visually Impaired in Mainstream Education
Tanja Stevns,et al.
SCRIBE: A Model for Implementing Robobraille in a Higher Education Institution
Lars Ballieu Christensen.
RoboBraille - Braille Unlimited