Handbook of the Biology of Aging

Lower Organisms: Identification of Longevity. Assurance Genes in Yeast. Molecular Genetic Approaches to Identifying Gerontogenes in Caenorhabditis Elegans. Genetic Approaches to Life Prolongation in Drosophila Melonogaster. Mutants Affecting Senescence Processes in Plants. Changes in Gene Expression with Aging. Molecular and Cellular Biology: Mechanisms Controlling in Vitro Cellular Senescene. Mechanisms of Altered Gene Expression with Aging. Protein Modifications. Genomic and Mitochondrial DNA Alterations and Aging. Neurobiology: Neurobiological Correlates of Age-Related Cognitive Decline: Animal Models. Neuropyschological Assessment of Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Humans. Neuroendocrine Changes in Aging. Nerve Growth Factors, Neural Plasticity, And Aging. Human Biology: Aging Renal Function and Regulation of the Volume and Composition of the Extra Cellular Fluid. Depression in Old Age. Menopause and Its Consequences. Skeletal Integrity and Osteoporosis in Old Age. Overarching Areas: Excercisephysiology and Aging. Nutrition and Aging. Epidemiology of Aging.