The aim of this research is defining the postural status among the children of the younger school age (7-11 years old). The data collected are based on the sample which included 30 children attending handball school “Radnicki” from Belgrade. The research included 15 girls and 15 boys. The postural status was estimated by the clinical method, also known as the somatoscop method, based on the model Radisavljević M. and Radojević J. The conclusions based on the evaluation of the postural status show that the most common deformities are suspended arch of the foot (76,6% in total), winged scapulae (40%) and scoliotic posture (30%). Furthermore, these results show that body deformities are not equally present in both sexes. With girls, the most common deformity is suspended foot, followed by the scoliotic posture, while among the boys suspended foot also appears as the most frequent, but is followed by the kyphotic posture. These data are worrying, and at the same time alarming in pointing out the necessity of conducting the prevention and correction of the postural disorders, as early as during the pre-school age. It is very important to occupy children with recreational doing of some of the basic sports, such as swimming, athletics or gymnastics, because that is how the good conditions for the complete body musculature would be created.