Mercury Cadmium Telluride electron initiated avalanche photodiodes demonstrated a breakthrough in lidar active remote sensing technology. A lidar detection system, based on an array of these devices, was integrated and characterized for $2-\mu \mathrm{m}$ applications. Characterization experiments were focused on evaluating the dark current, gain and responsivity variations with bias voltage. Quantum efficiency and input dynamic range including noise-equivalent-power and maximum detectable power, were calculated from these results. Operating the detection system using four pixels at 77.6 K, 12 V bias resulted in a current responsivity of 615.8 A/W and a voltage responsivity of 1.45 GV/W. Minimum detectable power of 14 pW was obtained, which is equivalent to 5.7 fW/Hz1l2 noise-equivalent-power, indicating an average noise-equivalent-power of 1.4 fW/Hz1l2 per pixel. Work is in progress to integrate and validate this detection system using a newly developed triple-pulse integrated path differential absorption lidar for simultaneous and independent atmospheric measurements of water vapor and carbon dioxide.
A. Rogalski.
Infrared Detectors, Second Edition
Xiaoli Sun,et al.
A Highly Sensitive Multi-element HgCdTe e-APD Detector
for IPDA Lidar Applications
Journal of Electronic Materials.
K. Davis,et al.
Evaluation of an airborne triple-pulsed 2 μm IPDA lidar for simultaneous and independent atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide measurements.
Applied optics.
A. Rogalski.
Progress in focal plane array technologies
Xiaoli Sun,et al.
HgCdTe e-APD detector arrays with single photon sensitivity for space lidar applications
Sensing Technologies + Applications.
Tamer F. Refaat,et al.
Airborne lidar for simultaneous measurement of column CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere
Remote Sensing.
Tamer F. Refaat,et al.
Twenty years of Tm:Ho:YLF and LuLiF laser development for global wind and carbon dioxide active remote sensing