Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography
THE Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography was opened by the Prince of Wales at a general meeting in St. James's Hall on Mlonday, August 10th, at 3 p.m. The Halliwas crowded, about 2,300 persons, among whom were manyjadies, being present. The Prince of Wales was received by Sir Douglas Galton (Chairman of the Organising Committee), Dr. G. V. Poore (Honorary Secretary-General), Dr. WV. H. Corfield (Honorary Foreign Secretary), and other miembers of the Executive Committee; and among those present on the platform were Lord Basing, Lord Wantage, the Earl of Feversham, the Greek Ambassador, Sir Joseph Lister, Sir Andrew Clark, Sir Spencer Wells, the Lord Mayor. Sir W. Wedderburn, Sir Richard Quain, Sir John Banks, Sir Douglas Maclagan, Sir A. Bloomfield, Sir E. Sieveking, Sir T.Crawford, the Sheriffs of London,Sir Wm.MacCormac.SirHenryAcland, Sir Philip Magnus, Sir Henry Thompson, Sir R. Rqwlinson, Sir F. Abel, Sir J. Coode, Sir T. Sutherland, Sir Nigel Kingscote, Sir E. Saunders, Sir Owen Burne, Sir C. Cameron, the President of the Royal College of Surgeons (Mr. Bryant), the President of the British Medical Association (Dr. Roberts Thomson), the President of Council of the British Medical Association (Dr. Withers Moore), Dr. Russell Reynolds, Mr. Burdett Coutts, AI.P., Prof. Erichsen, Prof. Grainger Stewart, Dr. Langdon Down, Dr. Priestley, Mr. Ernest Hart, Mr. Malcolm Morris, Archdeacon Farrar, Profs. Cornil, Chauveau, Dr. Rochard, Prof. Finkelnburg, Dr. Roux, Profs. Buchner, Emmerich, Babes, Laveran, Drs. Metschnikoff, Martin, Profs. F6d6r, Celli, Ralliet, Mr. Shimpei Gotoh, Dr. Oberlich von Meyer, Dr. Salmon, U.S.A., Dr. Gibson IU.S.A., Dr. Covernton, Toronto, Dr. Ashburton Thompson, N.S.W., and many others. On the Prince of Wales entering the hall, the audience rose, and remained standing while the National Anthem was played on the great organ. Dr. G. V. PooRE stated that letters expressing regret at their inability to be present had been received from the Duke *of Edinburgh, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Christian, the Duke of Westminster, and the Right Hon. C. J. Ritchie, President of the Local Government Board. Sir DOUGLAS GALTON presented the report of the Permanent International Committee, which was as follows:"The Permanent International Committees of Hygiene and Demography, appointed at the Congress held in Vienna in 1887, beg to report that the English members entrusted with the organisation of the present ongess, namely, Sir Douglas ,Galton, Professor Corfield, and Mr. Shirley Murphy, together with other English members of the Vienna Congress, namely, Sir Spencer Wells, Bart.; Professor (now Sir George) Humphry, Dr. Charles Cameron, M.P.; Professor Frankland, and Dr. Mapother, issued a letter inviting co-operation in the formation of a General Committee. This Committee at its first meeting elected an Organising Committee, of which Sir Douglas Galton was elected Chairman, and Professor Corfield and Mr. Shirley Murphy Honorary Secretaries. "A public meeting was held at the Mansion House, by the kind permission of the late Lord Mayor of London, to make the Congress more widely known, and was largely and influentially attended.