Algorithms for Global Positioning

The ideas bring together multiple technologies. That is the secret of global positioning, to combine engineering tools with computational algorithms ( and the mathematics of coordinate mappings). Most of us are more competent and interest ed in particular parts of this whole construction; those sections of the book will be read m ore closely. This book describes the linear algebra and the specialized a lgorithms for receivers to compute their positions. The collective name Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) includes satellite based augmentation to help the user with real-time ionospheric corrections. The augmentation systems include WAAS in USA, EGNOS i n Europe, GAGAN in India, and QZSS in Japan. When we come to the algorithm level, using pseudoranges and carrier ranges and corrections, we only experience small di fferences in these systems. Our emphasis is on GPS as this is the most used system, and we offer details on EGNOS too. Our examples and data sets will come from The GPS Center in Aal borg. Chapter 1 already shows the variety of tools that come togeth er into accurate positioning. Then the book explains how that information is used .