Design and research of the improved train control system with collision avoidance system for urban mass transit

Automatic train control system( ATC) based on train- trackside radio communication can guarantee the safety of urban mass transit. To overcome the shortcoming of ATC and radio based train control( RBTC) 's overly dependence on trackside control center and train- ground communication system,a new safety- increasing system strategy for train control system,collision avoidance system for urban mass transit( CASUMT),which is based on the vehicle- vehicle communication technology to prevent train collision was introduced in this paper.We also designed the overall system structure and working principle to investigate the key technology of the new system in detail. Through reasonable simplification of the communication system,this paper modeled the reliability and safety of the improved ATC overlay collision avoidance system and traditional ATC. The contrasting results show that the improved train control system by adding collision avoidance system is more effective and safe.