Localized charged-neutral fluctuations in 158A GeV Pb+Pb collisions

Localized fluctuations in the multiplicity of charged particles and photons produced in central 158A GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions are studied. The charged versus neutral correlations in common {eta}-{phi} phase space regions of varying azimuthal size are analyzed by two different methods. The analysis provides a model-independent demonstration of nonstatistical fluctuations in both charged particle and photon multiplicities in limited azimuthal regions. However, no correlated charge-neutral fluctuations are observed, contrary to expectations for the production of a disoriented chiral condensate. The result is not explained by the widely used VENUS model.

Shunsuke A. Sato | P. Kulinich | G. Roland | P. Steinberg | B. Wyslouch | N. Eijndhoven | T. Nayak | P. Nilsson | L. Rosselet | N. Slavine | G. Martinez | F. Geurts | Z. Böröcz | A. Oskarsson | E. Stenlund | K. Karpio | Z. Ahammed | F. Retière | C. Roy | M. Šumbera | S. Knoche | I. Hřivnáčová | T. Svensson | B. Mohanty | S. Chattopadhyay | P. Baba | A. Vodopianov | V. Petráček | A. Vinogradov | Y. Lee | C. Blume | T. Chujo | P. Foka | S. Fokin | M. Ippolitov | V. Manko | Y. Miake | B. Nandi | S. Nikolaev | P. Nomokonov | J. Nystrand | T. Peitzmann | J. Rak | R. Raniwala | S. Raniwala | K. Reygers | S. Sambyal | H. Schmidt | Y. Schutz | T. Siemiarczuk | D. Silvermyr | S. Sorensen | B. Sinha | M. Pachr | D. P. Mahapatra | Y. Viyogi | L. Luquin | R. Santo | G. Stefanek | M. Aggarwal | H. Delagrange | R. Glasow | G. Shabratova | T. Awes | R. Kamermans | C. Klein-Bösing | M. Ganti | H. Gustafsson | A. Nianine | I. Otterlund | M. Majumdar | P. Stankus | H. Sako | N. Solomey | V. Antonenko | S. Badyal | D. Bucher | A. Kugler | A. Tsvetkov | L. Tykarski | H. Löhner | S. Eliseev | P. Donni | I. Langbein | S. Bathe | I. Kosarev | M. Kurata | S. Kato | K. Kurita | K. Yagi | A. Buijs | V. Astakhov | R. Bock | L. Carlén | V. Arefiev | S. Nishimura | A. Lebedev | D. Morrison | S. Vörös | G. Sood | D. Mukhopadhyay | G. Young | S. Gupta | M. Purschke | K. Chenawi | K. Enosawa | S. Garpman | T. Ghosh | R. Higuchi | K. Karadjev | I. Koutcheryaev | G. Mishra | Y. Miyamoto | F. Obenshain | F. Plasil | I. Sibiriak | Y. Yokota | B. Batiounia | I. Roufanov | M. Trivedi | J. Urbahn | N. Rao | H. Schlagheck | B. Kolb | W. Pinganaud | B. Guskov | M. Mora | V. Bhatia | S. Nayak | G. Nieuwenhuizen | O. Gavrishchuk | V. Djordjadze | S. Dutt | A. Angelis | C. Barlag | K. Bhalla | E. Bohne | A. Claussen | K. Kampert | M. Martin | H. Naef | K. Söderström | H. Gutbrod | D. Stüken | V. Nikitine | S. Neumaier | A. Das | V. Ramamurthy | H. Kalechofsky | M. Decowski | N. Kuzmin | H. Büsching | A. Dubey | A. Maximov | V. Chalyshev | A. Agnihotri | V. Avdeitchikov | T. Bernier | R. Cherbatchev | I. Doubovik | S. Kees | T. Krümpel | G. Mgebrichvili | Md. F. Mir | S. Pavliouk | U. Poblotzki | J. Rubio | E. C. Pijll | T. Shah