Studies have been conducted in DIII-D to determine the dependence of the power threshold P{sub lh} for the transition to the H-mode regime and the threshold P{sub hl} for the transition from H-mode to L-mode as functions of external parameters. There is a value of the line-averaged density n{sub e} at which P{sub lh} has a minimum and P{sub lh} tends to increase for lower and higher values of n{sub e}. Experiments conducted to separate the effect of the neutral density n{sub 0} from the plasma density n{sub e} give evidence of a strong coupling between n{sub 0} and n{sub e}. The separate effect of neutrals on the transition has not been determined. Coordinated experiments with JET made in the ITER shape show that P{sub lh} increases approximately as S{sup 0.5} where S is the plasma surface area. For these discharges, the power threshold in DIII-D was high by normal standards, thus suggesting that effects other than plasma size may have affected the experiment. Studies of H-L transitions have been initiated and hysteresis of order 40% has been observed. Studies have also been done of the dependence of the L-H transition on local edge parameters. Characterization of the edge within a few ms prior to the transition shows that the range of edge temperatures at which the transition has been observed is more restrictive than the range of densities at which it occurs. These results suggest that some temperature function is important for controlling the transition.