Change Factors Influencing the Diffusion and Adoption of Green Building Practices

This study aims to improve how human performance improvement (HPI) practitioners manage attributes of change. While there have been numerous studies addressing various aspects of change management, few have examined how the characteristics of the change itself contribute to adoption. This study addresses a change scenario of current importance and interest. Researchers coded applicable survey responses from a previous study and performed factor analysis to identify barriers and incentives to green building, including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, for construction industry professionals in the Pacific Northwest, and how those professionals feel about adopting “green” building practices—among them, the LEED rating system. Findings suggest that (a) the qualities of some changes have far more influence on adoption than others, such as difficulty of transition, and (b) other characteristics combine to exert their influence in concert with one another. Finally, a user's perception of the value of the change was significant. The article's conclusion addresses how HPI practitioners can integrate the findings into green building adoption specifically, as well as within the greater context of change management and implementation practices in general.