Analysis of Atmospheric Propagation Effects in TerraSAR-X Images

TerraSAR-X, the first civil German synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite has been successfully launched in 2007, June 15th. After 4.5 days the first processed image has been obtained. The overall quality of the image was outstanding, however, suspicious features could be identified which showed precipitation related signatures. These rain-cell signatures motivated a further in-depth study of the physical background of the related propagation effects. During the commissioning phase, a total of 12000 scenes have been investigated for potential propagation effects and about 100 scenes have revealed atmospheric effects to a visible extent. An interesting case of a data acquisition over New York will be presented which shows typical rain-cell signatures and the SAR image will be compared with weather-radar data acquired nearly simultaneously (within the same minute). Furthermore, in this contribution we discuss the influence of the atmosphere (troposphere) on the external calibration (XCAL) of TerraSAR-X. By acquiring simultaneous weather-radar data over the test-site and the SAR-acquisition it was possibleto improve the absolute calibration constant by 0.15 dB.