Combining Open APIS(Parlay/JAIN) & Software Agents for Next Generation Mobile Services

The Telecom/Wireless world is rich in network capabilities and is trusted by the consumer to provide reliable, stable services. The IT world is rich in applications and developers. The strengths of these two domains could be combined and new services can be developed utilizing underlying network capabilities. The Parlay Group defines a set of Open APIs that support applications external to the secure network space. The Java APIs for Integrated Networks Community is defining a Java version of the Parlay API. The above scenario will provide wireless application developers to produce new and exciting applications for end users. Wireless networks have less bandwidth and more latency compared to wired networks. In this regard Mobile Software Agents can provide better support for wireless devices. In this paper we have researched the feasibility of the above architecture where applications developed using Open APIs like Parlay/JAIN can utilize the advantages of Software Agents.