The 1980s are likely to be thought, in retrospect, a turning point in the study of large-scale structure of the universe. This is partly due to a change in motivation for the research. We have come to believe that the fundamental laws of high-energy physics have carved their signature into the distribution of matter and galaxies and that, indeed, the Big Bang may have provided the only available experiment to test models of elementary particle physics. Thus, the emphasis in large-scale structure research has shifted away from the sometimes obsessive search for two numbers, H, and qo, which offer only the most rudimentary description of the universe in which we live. Instead, observational cosmologists are focusing on the frothy distribution of galaxies and the coherent motions of these galaxies in order to elucidate the nature and distribution of the dark matter and the processes that drafted the surprisingly complex structure of the galaxy distribution. We know that tools and ideas have gone hand in hand throughout history. As an observational astronomer, I recognize advances in technology that matured in the 1980s and played a major role in advancing our knowledge of large-scale structure. The ambitious redshift surveys that are charting the intricate distribution of galaxies were intractable a decade ago. Likewise, we have only recently developed adequate techniques of measuring galaxy distances independent of redshift, which allow us to map departures from a smooth expansion field caused by a nonuniform distribution of the dark matter. This wonderful symbiosis of new ideas and previously unobtainable data has led to a rapid growth of the field, which I will briefly review here. As summarized by Gunn,’ only two ideas about the formation of structure on the large scale are seriously entertained at present. One idea presumes that structure grows from gravitational clustering of inhomogeneities that were imprinted at a very early epoch. The popular versions of this idea further imagine that these fluctuations arose in a dark matter component of weakly interacting particles, which provide the critical density for closure. In the “cold-dark-matter” (CDM) paradigm, this structure is dominated by small-scale fluctuations that grow hierarchically; in contrast, “hotdark-matter’’ (HDM) universes, for example, those dominated by massive neutrinos, build from large scales downward because the shorter wavelength perturbations are erased by free streaming. Topological defects, for example, cosmic strings, could also couple with either CDM or HDM to provide a very different spectrum of initial fluctuations whose growth is more complex than these simple “bottom-up” or “top-down” pictures. The N-body simulations of Davis, Efstathiou, White, and Frenk have provided much of what we know about the behavior of CDM universes.**’ They are fond of pointing out that the CDM model is exceedingly good a t predicting many properties of
A. Dekel,et al.
The clustering of dwarf galaxies
A. Dekel,et al.
Projection contamination in cluster catalogs: are the Abell redshift sample correlations significant?
Edmund Bertschinger,et al.
Recovering the full velocity and density fields from large-scale redshift-distance samples
R. J. Dickens,et al.
Large peculiar velocities in the Hydra Centaurus supercluster
J. Lucey,et al.
Distances to five nearby southern galaxy clusters and the absolute motion of the Local Group
N. Bahcall,et al.
The correlation function of southern clusters
W. Sutherland.
The 3-D Distribution of Abell Clusters
A. Dressler.
The supergalactic plane redshift survey - A candidate for the great attractor
David Burstein,et al.
Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. V - Galaxy streaming toward the new supergalactic center
V. Rubin,et al.
Large-scale motions in the universe
J. Richard Gott,et al.
A quantitative approach to the topology of large-scale structure
J. Gott,et al.
The spatial distribution of dwarf galaxies in the CfA slice of the universe
Carlos S. Frenk,et al.
Clusters, filaments, and voids in a universe dominated by cold dark matter
T. W. Noonan.
Remarks on the necessity and uniqueness of the gravitational stress-energy pseudotensor
W. Burgett,et al.
Peculiar velocity and geometrical elongation of large-scale structures
T. Beers,et al.
A Redshift Survey of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies. II. Do They Fill the Voids
G. Efstathiou,et al.
Cold dark matter, the structure of galactic haloes and the origin of the Hubble sequence
J. Huchra,et al.
A Slice of the Universe
G. Efstathiou,et al.
The evolution of large-scale structure in a universe dominated by cold dark matter
R. Giovanelli,et al.
Morphological segregation in the Pisces-Perseus supercluster
Neta A. Bahcall,et al.
The Spatial correlation function of RICH clusters of galaxies
P. Schechter,et al.
The velocity field in the local supercluster
J. Ostriker,et al.
Galaxy formation in an intergalactic medium dominated by explosions