GRP_CH Heuristic for Generating Random Simple Polygon

A heuristic ‘GRP_CH’ has been proposed to generate a random simple polygon from a given set of ‘n’ points in 2-Dimensional plane. The “2-Opt Move” heuristic with time complexity \(\mathcal{O}(n^4)\) is the best known (referred in [1]) among the existing heuristics to generate a simple polygon. The proposed heuristics, ‘GRP_CH’ first computes the convex hull of the point set and then generates a random simple polygon from that convex hull. The ‘GRP_CH’ heuristic takes \(\mathcal{O}(n^3)\) time which is less than that of “2-opt Move” heuristic. We have compared our results with “2-Opt Move” and it shows that the randomness behaviour of ‘GRP_CH’ heuristic is better than that of “2-Opt Move” heuristic.