Dynamic security: An agent-based model for airport defense
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shifted the focus of airport security in 2004 to incorporate the need to continuously and rapidly adapt security to shifting threats. MITRE is developing a Dynamic Security Airport Simulation as part of a MITRE-sponsored research project in which attacker and defense behavior in the airport environment are modeled. The simulation accepts threat vectors (path-weapon combinations) from other software or the user and models the performance of the airport defense against those threat vectors. The simulation includes two intelligent agents: the attacker and the defense. These agents model the behavior of those two entities; their logic includes both decision making and learning.
[1] Herbert A. Simon,et al. The Sciences of the Artificial , 1970 .
[2] Charles M. Macal,et al. Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation , 2007 .
[3] Charles M. Macal,et al. Managing Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions with Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation , 2007 .