Proceedings First International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems

This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Workshop of Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2012), held in Kyoto on November 12, 2012, as a satellite event of the ICFEM conference. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers interested in the application of (semi-)formal methods to improve the quality of safety-critical computer systems. FTSCS is particularly interested in industrial applications of formal methods. Topics include: - the use of formal methods for safety-critical and QoS-critical systems, including avionics, automotive, and medical systems; - methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, etc.; - analysis methods that address the limitations of formal methods in industry; - formal analysis support for modeling languages used in industry, such as AADL, Ptolemy, SysML, SCADE, Modelica, etc.; and - code generation from validated models. The workshop received 25 submissions; 21 of these were regular papers and 4 were tool/work-in-progress/position papers. Each submission was reviewed by three referees; based on the reviews and extensive discussions, the program committee selected nine regular papers, which are included in this volume. Our program also included an invited talk by Ralf Huuck.