디지탈 신호처리 기법을 이용한 맥동연소기의 소음원 규명에 관한 연구
This paper presents a method for estimating the noise source contribution of a pulse combustion burner in a multiple input system where the input sources may be coherent each other. By coherence function method, it is found that the biggest part of the noise source in the pulse combustion burner is generated by the part of the combustion chamber. This analysis is modeled as three input / single output system because the noise generating mechanism of the pulse combustion burner is very complicated. The coherence function method is proved to be useful tool for the identification of noise source. The overall levels of the radiated source pressure by coherence function method are compared with those measured and calculated by the frequency response function approach. The experimental results have shown a good agreement with the results calculated by the coherence function method when the input sources are coherent strongly each other. The estimation of shield effect by FRF method indicates that significant reduction can be achieved in sound radiation if only transmission path generated by the part of combustion chamber is acoustically shield.