The Role of Goal Frames regarding the Impact of Gamified Persuasive Systems on Sustainable Mobility Behavior

This study analyzes the motivational processes of a gamified persuasive system in an initiative to encourage sustainable mobility behavior by promoting bike usage. To increase motivation and drive sustainable behavior, the design of persuasive systems is gradually advancing. Game-based functions are often implemented to transform the user experience through playful interactions. This paper explores whether the functions implemented within gamified persuasive systems really fulfill an individual’s goals and needs by analyzing the impact of the user’s personal goals on gamified persuasive system usage and the desired outcome in the domain of sustainable mobility behavior. The theoretical basis for this study comes from the goal-framing theory as well as the perspective of functional affordances. The results in this work indicate that the functions implemented are only partially compatible with user goals. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the influence of goals on sustainable mobility behavior can be increased through the implementation of specific functions within a persuasive system.

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