Development of Integrated Operation, Low-End Energy Building Engineering Technology in Korea

The purpose of this project is to improve efficiency through aggressive application of individual new technologies related to building energy savings, and from their cross integration with other technologies. The goal is to reduce national dependence on carbon energy. The main points are as follows. First, the integration of pertinent technologies under a single modular package; second, the combining of climate controls, external surfacing and lighting technologies as an integral system; and third, the development of a building energy operating network for efficient usage of each engineering system. This project was planned under government leadership, with cooperation and participation from RD it is in its first year of implementation. Furthermore, policy developments and technology reliability improvements are planned in order to promote wide application and to improve reliability of the technologies. For this purpose, test implementation and operation of these technologies are planned during the Second Stage. The goal of this project is to achieve a 20% reduction in energy usage from the present. Increase in the cost of construction is limited to within 5% to facilitate greater commercialization.