Integrating Digital Eye Tracking With Personnel Optimization Research

Abstract : This award funded the purchase of a Digital Eye Tracking Research System (DETRS). The DETRS is a state-of- the-art system that allows cognitive scientists at Mississippi State University to integrate eye movement capture into their personnel optimization research. The DETRS enables integration of video and eye tracking data by capturing video data in a digital format, and allows access to several aspects of the same performance, such as pupil measures and point of gaze, and the ability to cross reference data from multiple subjects simultaneously. It includes high precision eye tracking instruments and components that enable the analysis and interpretation of the massive data sets. The non-linear digital data allows the selection of particular frames or crucial moments and this enables focused analysis and display of the data of interest. The DETRS is configured to maintain portability for field experiments and still provide the data storage and processing capacity necessary for archiving, editing and analyzing data. All equipment has been purchased, is in use, and is augmenting the research of multiple DoD and NSF grants.