Model order reduction of nonlinear dynamic systems using multiple projection bases and optimized state-space sampling

Model order reduction (MOR) is a very powerful technique that is used to deal with the increasing complexity of dynamic systems. It is a mature and well understood field of study that has been applied to large linear dynamic systems with great success. However, the continued scaling of integrated micro-systems, the use of new technologies, and aggressive mixed-signal design has forced designers to consider nonlinear effects for more accurate model representations. This has created the need for a methodology to generate compact models from nonlinear systems of high dimensionality, since only such a solution will give an accurate description for current and future complex systems. The goal of this research is to develop a methodology for the model order reduction of large multidimensional nonlinear systems. To address a broad range of nonlinear systems, which makes the task of generalizing a reduction technique difficult, we use the concept of transforming the nonlinear representation into a composite structure of well defined basic functions from multiple projection bases. We build upon the concept of a training phase from the trajectory piecewise-linear (TPWL) methodology as a practical strategy to reduce the state exploration required for a large nonlinear system. We improve upon this methodology in two important ways: First, with a new strategy for the use of multiple projection bases in the reduction process and their coalescence into a unified base that better captures the behavior of the overall system; and second, with a novel strategy for the optimization of the state locations chosen during training. This optimization technique is based on using the Hessian of the system as an error bound metric. Finally, in order to treat the overall linear/nonlinear reduction task, we introduce a hierarchical approach using a block projection base. These three strategies together offer us a new perspective to the problem of model order reduction of nonlinear systems and the tracking or preservation of physical parameters in the final compact model. DESCRIPTORS. Compact Model Generation, Nonlinear Model Order Reduction, Model Order Reduction, TPWL Methodology

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