An Automated/Interactive Software Engineering Tool to Generate Data Dictionaries.

Abstract : The purpose of the theses investigation is to design and develop an automated interactive software engineering to which generates data dictionaries. This tool is to provide the user with an interactive data dictionary tool to support the develop of software in all phases of the software life cycle. The tool supports data dictionary information specific methods of software representation. The initial implementation of this tool supported four methods of software representation: SADT, Data flow diagrams, structure charts, and code. The requirements definition for the tool includes a discussion of the objectives and concerns associated with the tool development. Data flow diagrams are used to formulate a requirements model. The preliminary design specifies the type of information to be contained in the data dictionary for each of the methods of software representation supported and the database design required to maintain the data dictionary information. The structural framework of the application software which provides the interface between the tool user and the dictionary database is specified and structure charts are used to model this structural framework. In detailed design, algorithms are developed for the tool's application software. Originator-supplied keywords included: Computer software, Automated tools, Data dictionary, Software engineering, Software development, Database, Programming languages.