Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on graphical methods and internal comparisons. Procedures for the simultaneous comparison of comparable quantities through the use of a statistical standard, which is, at least in part, generated internally by the data, are called internal comparisons procedures. One of the important purposes of the analysis of variance, for uniresponse and multiresponse situations alike, is to provide such internal comparisons of certain quantities which are used in the interpretation of relationships between treatment factors. The informality and flexibility of internal comparisons methods should encourage the user to utilize, for the assessments, not only prior judgement but also more importantly posterior information and judgement. The chapter presents a graphical internal comparisons method for analyzing certain kinds of multiresponse experimental data. A truly multivariate situation cannot usually be fully described by a single one-dimensional representation and, therefore, it should be recognized that, for any given problem, it is always advisable to try several different compounding matrices in the calculation of the squared distances, {di}.