The general behavior and strength of unbraced multi-story frames under gravity loading, June 1967, a chapter of this Ph.D. was published 72-22

INTRODUCTION THEORETICAL SOLUTIONS 2.1 Frame Response 2.2 Inela.stic Behavior· 2.3 Equilibrium 2.4 Previous Studies 2.5 Inelastic Frame Buckling 2.6 Proposed Analysis 2.7 Small Lateral Loads 2.8 Discussion of Proposed Analysis FORMULATION OF THE COMPUTER SOLUTION 3.1 Load-Response Curves 3.2 Loading and Frame Geometry 3.3 Basic Assumptions 3.4 Equilibrium of Incremental Loads 3.5 Matrix Formulation 3~6 P1~stic Hinges 3.7 Reduction in Mpc 3.8 Stability Criterion 3.9 Comparisons with an Iteration Solution DESCRIPTION OF TESTS 4.1 Frame Design 4.2 Loading System and Test Setup 4.3 Instrumentation 4.4 Frame Alignment 4.5 Material and Section Properties 4.6 Frame Loading v