Symbiosis in Cell Evolution: Microbial Communities in the Archean and Proterozoic Eons

Part 1 Serial endosymbiosis theory: overview autopoiesis and many genomes origins toward phototrophy toward phototrophy associations and eukaryotes. Part 2 Diversity: classification and evolution prokaryotes and eukaryotes five kingdoms. Part 3 Cell evolution in perspective: direct filiation disreputable theories. Part 4 Before cells: the geological context organic compounds meteorites making life in the laboratory. Part 5 Evolution before oxygen: criteria for relatedness anaerobic innovations the archean record. Part 6 Atmospheric oxygen from photosynthesis: aerobiosis in microbes organic geochemistry the proterozoic record and the earliest eukaryotes. Part 7 Symbiogenesis: symbiosis as parasexuality from symbionts to organelles mixotricha motility symbiosis photosynthetic ciliates predatory prokaryotes genetic analysis of symbiodsis names - binomial nomenclature and phylogenies for symbionts. Part 8 Nuclei, mitosis and undulipodia: nuclear origins protoctist cell division centriole-kinetosomes and microtubules towards mitosis centriole-kinetosome DNA. Part 9 Undulipodia from spirochetes: symbiosis and microtuble systems spirochetes preadaptive spirochete behaviour motility symbioses cytoplasmic tubules in prokaryotes origins of undulipodia. Part 10 Mitrochondria: mitochondria from proteobacteria mitochondrial legacy and cytoplasmic heredity pathogen to organelle - a mitochondrial analogy refining and interfacing - the mix-match princple. Part 11 Plastids: genetic continuity of plastids plastid and host genomes from symbiont to organelle - rare or frequent? Part 12 Phanerozoic consequences: calcium and skeletons symbiogenesis, speciation and morphogenesis in the phanerozoic eon plants, animals and chromosomes gaia and the extant biosphere. Appendix Phyla and classes of the five kingdoms.