Indicadores de avaliação em gestão e saúde coletiva na formação médica

Marilia Medical School uses active methodologies of teaching-learning. Its curriculum organization is directed towards professional competence and to a criterion-referenced evaluative process. This research aims at elaborating indicators to evaluate teaching-learning processes in health management and collective health. These indicators are based on the adaptation of the Consensus Conference proposal; it also aims at describing the pathway followed in this elaboration. The first matrix of indicators showed the proposed curriculum as able to support the specialists' analyses and the organization of the Conference. It was based on the analysis of the institutional documents which explained the activities plan (notebooks on grades organization) and the criteria, formats and evaluations tools in different grades and learning scenarios (Evaluation Handbook). This methodology made it possible to understand the evaluation of these specific areas more deeply and widely, which may guide a better implementation of the necessary curriculum alterations which emphasize an evaluation committed with the formative process.