Resolution and legibility: A comparison of TFT‐LCDs and CRTs

— The visual performance of TFT-LCDs and CRT displays with different pixel densities were measured using task-oriented tests and subjective measures of visual comfort and preferences. The effect of resolution on displayed letter legibility was measured. The legibility of letters increases with increasing pixel resolution. At a viewing distance of 50 cm, no significant differences were obtained in letter-counting rates of capital letters 24 arcmin high, or reading rates of mixed-case letters with 16 arcmin x-height. In a second study for small letters, differences in letter-counting and reading speeds were obtained for the different display conditions. For capital letters about 1.5 mm high, the letter-counting speed was about 6% faster for a 157-ppi TFT-LCD than for a CRT. On 83-ppi TFT-LCD, letters this small could not be adequately rendered and were unrecognized. At a 50-cm viewing distance, some subject preference and improved visual comfort was obtained for the high-resolution TFTLCD.