Flavor Dependence of T-odd PDFs

The flavor dependence of the naive time reversal odd (``T-odd'') parton distributions for $u$- and $d$-quarks are explored in the spectator model. The flavor dependence of $h_{1}^{\perp}$ is of significance for the analysis of the azimuthal $\cos(2\phi)$ asymmetries in unpolarized SIDIS and DY-processes, as well as for the overall physical understanding of the distribution of transversely polarized quarks in unpolarized nucleons. As a by-product of the formalism, we calculate the chiral-odd but ``T-even'' function $h_{1L}^{\perp}$ which enables us to present a prediction for the single spin asymmetry $A_{UL}^{\sin(2\phi)}$ for a longitudinally polarized target in SIDIS.